家長學會 Phonics 教導小朋友 !
家長英語拼音培訓課程 (Jolly Phonics Level 1)
課程內容特別適合家長及有興趣學習幼兒 Phonics 英語拼音人仕而設,透過有趣互動的課堂,學員可學習到如何運用有趣遊戲及教具,有效地建立及評核小孩的英語拼讀能力。完成課程後,可獲頒發英國 Jolly Phonics 認可 Level 1 培訓證書及 PEA 協會證書。
Jolly Phonics 拼音法
• 介紹 Jolly Phonics 有趣獨特的歌曲
• 解說 Jolly Phonics 如何協助兒童閱讀和串字
• 兒童學習拼音的過程中,親子互動的重要性
• 教授及示範 42 個標準發音
• 學習如何由多個字母組成的單詞拼音技巧
• 拼合(Blending)和建立單詞的要訣
• 掌握不同的輔音拼合(Consonant blends)的發音和單詞尾音的發音
• 學懂 Tricky Words單詞(Common Exception Words)
• 如何為幼童選擇適合的英語讀物
• 現職 Jolly Phonics 導師分享
首席導師 : Winnie Pang
家長學會 Phonics 教導小朋友 !
家長英語拼音培訓課程 (Jolly Phonics Level 1)
課程內容特別適合家長及有興趣學習幼兒 Phonics 英語拼音人仕而設,透過有趣互動的課堂,學員可學習到如何運用有趣遊戲及教具,有效地建立及評核小孩的英語拼讀能力。完成課程後,可獲頒發英國 Jolly Phonics 認可 Level 1 培訓證書及 PEA 協會證書。
Jolly Phonics 拼音法
• 介紹 Jolly Phonics 有趣獨特的歌曲
• 解說 Jolly Phonics 如何協助兒童閱讀和串字
• 兒童學習拼音的過程中,親子互動的重要性
• 教授及示範 42 個標準發音
• 學習如何由多個字母組成的單詞拼音技巧
• 拼合(Blending)和建立單詞的要訣
• 掌握不同的輔音拼合(Consonant blends)的發音和單詞尾音的發音
• 學懂 Tricky Words單詞(Common Exception Words)
• 如何為幼童選擇適合的英語讀物
• 現職 Jolly Phonics 導師分享
• Jolly Phonics 認可培訓師
• PEA 課程及培訓總監
• 曾接受香港教統局邀請培訓現職老師
• 香港專上教育學院幼兒課程導師
• 英國文化協會教師及培訓師
• 多個國際性的英語教育培訓資格 (CELTA ; DELTA ; M.Ed.)

首席導師 : Winnie Pang
• Jolly Phonics 認可培訓師
• PEA 課程及培訓總監
• 曾接受香港教統局邀請培訓現職老師
• 香港專上教育學院幼兒課程導師
• 英國文化協會教師及培訓師
• 多個國際性的英語教育培訓資格 (CELTA ; DELTA ; M.Ed.)

• 學員必須出席率達 80%,方可獲頒證書
• 英國Jolly Phonics認可Level 1培訓證書及
• PEA英語拼音培訓證書
• 學員必須出席率達 80%,方可獲頒證書
• 英國Jolly Phonics認可Level 1培訓證書及
• PEA英語拼音培訓證書
HK$ 4,980 (已包教材及2張證書)
"期間限定 ! 6星期短期網上互動課程直接考獲國際認可 TPhYL Phonics導師 資歷 !"
Online Learning Programme
幼兒英語拼音導師證書課程(TQUK Level 4 )
Certificate in Teaching Phonics to Young Learners (TQUK Level 4 )

PEA (Phonics Education Association) 是一間英語拼音教學的專業培訓機構,爲導師、幼稚園機構、家長及3-7 歲學童提供專業英語拼音教學、培訓、認證及全面發展支援平台。總部設於香港,業務遍及中國內地、香港、澳門及東南亞地區。合辦課程機構包括香港教統局(EDB)及澳門大學、香港理工大學等國際教育學府。
甚麼是TPhYL國際認可Phonics教學資歷 ? 按此查看
Course Structure
The Online TPhYL Course (OTC) uses a blended approach with a combination of the following:
8 Online Group Live Sessions + 3 Private Live Sessions + Offline Self Study Sessions* + Homework of each Session
* Important Remark:
Course participants are expected to complete tasks set in the Offline Session before coming to each Online Session. Tasks set in the Offline Session can involve reading articles, listening to podcasts, following PPTs (with audios), watching videos, etc.
Course Outline
TPhYL Introduction
Session 1
Have knowledge of principles of Synthetic Phonics
Understand roadmap of Synthetic Phonics
Develop awareness of Letter Sound Correspondences (LSCs)
Have knowledge of the role of letters in Phonics and the teaching of LSCs
Understand letter types by citing examples
Categorise letters according to their characteristics
Understand the role of starting and ending points, and correct stroke orders
Understand the teaching processes of letter formation to Young Learners
Evaluate and adapt activities to facilitate the teaching of letter formation to Young Learners using manipulatives
Session 2
Have knowledge of the role of sounds in Phonics and the teaching of LSCs
Understand how to use the IPA chart and oral articulators to accurately produce English sounds
Categorise sounds according to their characteristics
Explain key Phonics terms by citing examples
Simple and Complex Alphabetic Codes
Have knowledge of the scope of the two Alphabetic Codes
Understand the teaching sequence of the Simple Alphabetic Code
Session 3
Teaching Young Learners LSCs
Develop understanding of young learners and how they learn
Understand the role of multisensory activities in the teaching of Phonics
Planning an LSC Lesson
Understand 3-stage LSC lesson plans (1st_Revision, 2nd_Presentation, 3rd_Practice) and aims of each stage
Understand success criteria of an effective 3-stage LSC lesson
Understand steps of how to plan and write an LSC lesson plan
Understand how to evaluate LSC lesson plans
Plan and write a 3-stage LSC lesson plan for Young Learners
Session 4
Demonstrating a Stage of an LSC Lesson
Understand the role of teaching demonstrations
Understand success criteria of an effective teaching demonstration
Understand how to demonstrate a stage of your LSC lesson
Understand how to evaluate teaching demonstrations
Session 5
Blending and Segmenting
Understand concepts, sub-skills and terminology of blending and segmenting
Understand the teaching processes of blending and segmenting
Adapt and create activities to facilitate the teaching of blending and segmenting using manipulatives
Understand how to incorporate blending or segmenting practice into LSC lessons
Session 6
Common Exception Words (CEWs)
Have knowledge of Common Exception Words (CEWs)
Understand how to identify irregular parts in CEWs
Understand the concept of teaching CEWs in context
Decodable Phonics Readers
Understand decodable Phonics readers and their role in teaching reading
Understand how to teach reading using decodable Phonics readers
Adapt and create activities for a reading session using a decodable Phonics reader
Session 7
Assessing Young Learners
Understand formative and summative assessments, and assessments for learning
Understand strategies for using classroom activities as assessments
Identify and set checkpoints for assessing Phonics knowledge and skills in a commercial Phonics programme
Differentiated Teaching in a Phonics Classroom
Understand the role of differentiated teaching
Understand strategies to facilitate differentiated teaching in a Phonics Classroom by citing examples related to content, process, or product modifications
Adapt and create activity ideas to facilitate differentiated teaching in a Phonics Classroom to meet the needs of advanced and struggling learners
Session 8
TPhYL Exam Strategies
Understand effective strategies to prepare for TPhYL Exam
Practise taking TPhYL online
TPhYL Exam

Winnie Pang
• TESOL導師培訓師
• 英國文化協會Phonics教師及培訓師, Core Skill Creative Educator,
• 香港理工大學SPEED幼兒課程導師
• CELTA, DELTA, M.Ed., 導師培訓 (IH), Jolly Phonics 認可培訓師
• 參與培訓香港教統局現職英語老師
課程設計目標短期內完成及考取證書,需要學員自律地提前備課及完成導師安排之習作從以達至目標,敬請留意 !
港元HK$9,800 (已包括所有實體筆紀、TPhYL費用及證書)* 。
考試費: 學費已包括
16 小時(8堂) 6個星期 (逢Tue, Thu , Sat 晚 , 7:30-9:30pm HKT)
Class: OTC03 - 13/8 - 17/9
TPhYL Exam date :29/9(Sun 9am-6pm HKT)
第一步:於網上登記查詢或留位,1 個工作天內會有專人電郵或WhatsApp回覆。
第二步 : 可在表格下面網上信用咭繳交學費或銀行轉數。
第三步 : 完成付款後1個工作天內會收到確認電郵回覆及上課安排。如有任何查詢可電郵 : info@peaphonics.com 或 WhatsApp : +852 62168880 查詢
中銀 : 012-6922-0051773
FPS 轉數快: 101121432
(*Your payment is non-refundable and guarantees your place on the course)